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Handing in your Notice: Do's and Don'ts

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Moving jobs is part and parcel of your career and that means handing in your notice and exit interviews are also commonplace when you find your next move. There are certain "do's and don'ts" that you should be mindful of when the time comes.

Signs it is time to leave a position:

  • No opportunities to grow or develop within the company.
  • Clock Watching or Workplace boredom (see our other post on that here)
  • Not being challenged by the work you are currently doing.
  • Feeling unappreciated by the company you are with.
  • No passion for the work anymore, and need a fresh change or new opportunities.

Before you hand in the letter of notice always speak to your manager in person if possible, giving them as much time as possible to find a suitable replacement for when you leave.

Writing you Letter of Resignation:

When writing your letter there should be certain things that feature in it.

  • The date you submitted the letter
  • The employers address (current employer)
  • Your managers full name
  • Your finally day of employment- the end of your notice period
  • Your full name and signature

You may want to add a sentence as to why you are leaving and thanking them for your current role. This is definatley not compulsory but is highely recommended as it is polite. Even though you are leaving the company it is always adviceable to keep relationships positive. Be that for future referances or returning to the company in the future.

Your letter should not be used to vent your reasons explicitly for why you are leaving, if there are serious problems as to why you have left at no point should you lash out at your manager through your letter or exit interview. Explain them calmly during your exit interview and remain positive, do not burn bridges.

Your Notice Period:

Once your letter has been handed in you will enter your notice period, this will be stated in your original contract as well as your letter of resignation. Working your full notice is very much commonplace and will be expected of you, this is usually a calender month and will allow you to plan your start date at your new position.

Your future employees will want references from previous roles when applying or starting a new position. During your notice period is the correct time to sit down and ask your manager for a written one or asking if they would be comfortable for you to provide their contact details to any new employers for them to reach out when a reference is needed. Getting your old manager or collegues to endorse you through LinkedIn skills is also a brilliant way to show your network how you are developing and what you are an expert in.

Helping the transition:

Even though you are leaving the company and the role, it is still your job and responsibility to help your current company to the best of your ability. You may even be asked to help find your replacement before you leave. This might be in the form of sitting in on interviews for a potential replacement or training them once hired.

What not to do?

Clocking watching: Continue to work to the best of your ability, it will be challenging know you are soon to be moving but keeping relationships positive with your soon to be former employers is crucial to keeping your network strong.

Forget to say "Goodbye": On your final day with the company it is polite to say goodbye to your collegues and manager, remember that any specific person you wish to keep in contact with should be reached out to personally, be that through a message or giving them your contact information.

If you are thinking that it is time for a change in your career, or you would like to explore your options, do not hesitate to contact one of our consultants on Linkedin or contact us directly here.

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