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Making your next career move

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Making your next career move is a very important step in an individual’s life, you need to make sure the move is right for your growth and trajectory. You’ll be in a new environment, with new colleagues and more than likely learning new skills with the new position, this can be intimidating and potentially hinder your performance short term, these nerves are normal. So how do you know when it’s the right time to move on? Feelings of stagnation, hitting the glass ceiling or seeing no room to progress internally to a higher position or level of responsibility? These are signs that it may well be time to consider searching for the next opportunity, but what should you be looking for in your next role?

It is absolutely within your best interests to find both a company and a role within that matches up to both your ambitions and suits you. You need to ask yourself what your ideal working day and what kind of environment you want to be working within. Any aspect that can affect by the company should be something you consider before even applying. Make a list of what you do and don’t want, any company that can match your list of needs is worth applying for.

Finding the dream move can be a long journey, but don’t be discouraged. Settling for less will ultimately lead to you having to repeat this process later in life again. But once you have found that position and been offered it, congratulations!! But the hard work now begins in making sure you progress with this new position. But before that, leaving your old position must be done correctly and with grace. Keeping people onside is crucial for networking within the industry, you may never know when you need that network. Writing your notice letter must be addressed to the point of leadership or authority, having the address of tr company and the date it is handed in, HR will keep a record of this. Once typed up, print the letter off and sign it or a formal email would suffice too. Once you are in your notice period it is imperative to remain professional.

  • Do not tell others in the business before your manager
  • After informing your manager, keep the correspondence private until it has been announced to the wider business by the management team
  • Do not de-stabilise or slack off in your final weeks
  • Create a handover document to give to your successor so the process is made smoother

What you notice should include:

  • The date
  • Your current companies address
  • The full name of the person it is addressed to
  • The last date of your employment
  • Your full name
  • Written signature (where possible)

Moving positions or companies can be a worrying phase in your career be that through fear of being rejected or not feeling confident enough to apply and interview for a role but this more than ever is a time to be considering your options and look for a move that could see you prosper or find somewhere that fits your life better.

There are more opportunities than ever before, since the Covid-19 pandemic official figures from the ONS show that vacancies are at an all time high making the market an ever evolving place and the potential to finding your dream job even more possible. Being in demand does not happen very often but with the current market in the phase it is, the sectors we recruit for at Spencelooker Recruitment are in need of high calibre candidates, could that be you? We offer exciting opportunities with some of the best employment packages in the industry. Demand for the best staff have never been higher and with vacancies beginning the pile up too, you need to be working with a recruitment consultancy who you can trust have your best interests at heart that is where Spencelooker recruitment are in a class of one, our expert consultants will be happy to take your call and guide you through this challenging phase of your career.

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